Saturday, June 4, 2011

so I know I haven't posted anything in a couple of days but that's because I really havaen't had anything to write about, well today my school that I used to go to for like elementry school had this sort of reunion thing for like all the kids who have ever attended and the kids who were currently attendeng. Well while I was there I saw someone I haven't seen in five years, I wasn't expecting him to come at all. We used to hang out together when we were younger, I thought I would never see him again. When I saw him I totally freaked...well I didn't exactly freak until I realized who was, It was so wierd I was crying and laughing at the same time laughing at myself and crying tears of joy that I was actually seeing him again.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

This is the new thing tell me if you like it

So the last post I said I was going to start some make believe story about who knows what, well I couldn't think of anything, but a BFF of mine (Sabrina) suggested I write about some of the crazy wild things one of our teachers, Sister, a very modern sister, has done that will make her by far one of the most memorable teachers I've ever had.
Let start off by saying Sister likes to talk just to talk. She also enjoys singing, and this certainly isn't my opinion on your singing Sister, if you're reading this, but I've heard that you're voice has seen better days. (that's the nice way to put it). Now Sister loves to give us word searches I don't know if they actually teach us something or if their just to pass the time away but I enjoy them (Sister are you still reading?). So one day we were all hard at work (a little exaggeration never hurt) when Sister abruptly and out of the blue just starts serenading us with her beautiful voice

"I am anonymous
and I'm an Indian
and I think that I am cool
If you don't believe me,
That I'm an Indian,
Then I think you are a fool"

Yes what you've just read is a sample the melodious, rhythmic, and creative writings of our's truly,

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

So like I've been told my blog is like seriously boring, not naming names......(Sabrina), and I totally agree. The reason for that is because I never have anything to talk about, but what can I say my life is just boring like that. So like what if I totally changed up the point of my blog and just wrote about random crap like other peoples opinion on the big deal about Justin Beiber and Selena Gomez's kiss, or maybe just write about a random story that continues on and on but not like a really boring story, I mean one that uses alot of different wording, a plot and eventually, an ending, no but seriously an exciting story! So its setteled I'll start the story on Wednesday (tomorrow).
but if you have any other ideas please share them with me because like you are the peeps

So why didn't I go with the Justin, Selena thing?
Well because I don't really follow that kind of BS, I just saw it on a magazine in Kroger.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Awwww :(

So as you might have read in my other post the one right before this one I said that I was really really really excited because  I was going to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie: On Stranger Tides (which I still think could be a "best movie of the year" award winner. Well I've been looking forward to that all day for three days and I ended up spending the whole day cleaning up the house for guests we don't even are coming! Sooooo I'm really kinda disappointed here.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Okay so all day I've been helping my Nana move into her new house which is way better then her old one and I can't wait until I never have to see her old one again. So that's what I've been doing all day. But it's all going to be worth it when tomorrow I go see "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" I can't wait to go I'm expecting it to be the best movie of all four of them and possible win a best movie of the year award! SO EXCITED!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

So as you might have read I love to dance it is a very big part of my life. The Studio I dance at is called The Dance Pleace Ltd. I must say it is one of the finnest dance studio anyone could send their kid to and the only reason I'm there dancing my time away is because of my parents they're so nice to let me do what I want to especially something so time consuming and costly but they let me anyway. So like next year my dance team is going on a cruise, I really wish I could go but unfortunately I may not be joining the dance team :( anyhow I basically came to say what I've already said, I know slightly sappy I tried to stay as far away from that kind of thing as much as possible but for some reason It just wasn't working, so like yeah that was my post for today see you 2morrow peeps, and thanks for reading my blog!!!!;)

Friday, May 27, 2011

What up Peeps, I literally just got back from Chicago the bus ride there was hell on wheels! The bus rides in Chicago that took us to different places were living nightmares! and the bus ride back to Michigan was....eventful, for me anyway But what really made it special for me was, THAT I F*****N LOST MY VOICE THE WHOLE TRIP!!!!!! so basically the whole Blue Man Group experience wasn't exactly amazing for me, and meeting Oprah wasn't as great as it could've been (we didn't really meet Oprah, but wouldn't it be so cool if we had! Besides I think we missed her by about a week, she was in Chicago filming her good-bye finale with like all the biggest celebs) I'mneverdoingthisagain